خاله میگه بریم چابهار شریکی زمین بخریم. گفتم من با این دوتا بچه پولی دستم نمیمونه. روی من تا پایان سال حساب نکنید. فردا با دایی ها میخوان برن سواحل چابهار که طرح انتقال آب به مشهد رو شروع کردن یه دوری بزنند و خواستن چیزی هم خرید کنن. یه حرف چطور بازار زمین و مسکن رو بهم میریزه، تازه اخیرا اظهار فضل کردن که فقط یه ایده بوده.
رفتم تمام اسباب بازی های بوقی و آهنگی که تا حالا برا حکمت خریدم رو در میارم و نشون مادرم و بقیه میدم. یک توپ بوقی شفاف داره با چند تا اسباب بازی فشاری دیگه و میگم حالا اینها گرون میشن.
مامانم جلو خواهران بهم میخنده و میگه نه، دلار گرون شده که برا اینها نیست.
با خودم فکر میکنم راست میگه. اینها تو بازار ریخته و همینطور ارزون میمونه تا سری بعد که دلار گرون میشه.
حالا بعدازظهری خواهر گرفته موهای پایش رو وسط ما از ریشه دونه دونه میکند میگه یه جای خوب تو آرایشگاه بهش اختصاص دادن، ماهم باهاش بریم سرکار! میگم اول آگهی استخدامی رو نشونم بده. اونم زد تو اینترنت و میبینیم که اصلا ننوشته حقوق چقدر، فقط نوشته پرداخت توافقی. گفتم اینها معمولا الکی هستند، وقتت رو تلف نکن. حالا خودم پشت سرش دنبال شغل میگردم و میبینم تعداد درخواست ها کم شده. بیشتر که بررسی میکنم میبینم سایت معروف کمی به حرف مستخدمین اهمیت داده و احتمالا بخاطر همین یه سری خودشون آگهی نگذاشته ن. به من باشه میگم آخی شاید ندارن، ولی خب اگر به امکان نظردهی اصیل باشه تقریبا درخواست استخدام شغلی هم روزانه ثبت نمیشه.
Auntie says let's go to Chabahar and buy a piece of land. I said I won't have any money with these two kids. Don't count on me until the end of the year. Tomorrow they want to go to the Chabahar coast with their uncles, who are starting a water transfer project to Mashhad, to take a tour and want to buy something. How can one word ruin the land and housing market, and they just recently expressed their gratitude that it was just an idea.
I went and took out all the toys that I had bought for Hekmat so far and showed them to my mother and the others. He has a transparent toy ball with a few other squeeze toys and I said that these are getting expensive now.
My mother laughs at me in front of my sisters and says no, the dollar has become expensive, it's not for them.
I think to myself that she's telling the truth. These are sold in the market and will remain cheap until the next round when the dollar becomes expensive.
Now in the afternoon, my sister is pulling her leg hair from the roots in the middle of us, saying that they have allocated her a good place at the hairdresser's, we should go to work with her! I say, show me the job ad first. She looked it up on the internet and we see that it didn't say how much the salary was, it just said agreed-upon pay. "These are usually scams, don't waste your time.", I said. Now, I'm looking for a job myself and I see that the number of applications has decreased. The more I check, the more I see that the famous site cares little about what the employees say, and that's probably why they haven't posted any ads. "Okay, maybe they don't, but if it's possible to give genuine feedback, almost no job applications are registered every day.", I say.